An archive of 14 million documents created by tobacco companies about their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, scientific research and political activities, hosted by the UCSF Library.
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Tobacco Collections
(all tobacco collections selected)
Master Settlement Agreement
American Tobacco Records 
Brown & Williamson Records 
Council for Tobacco Research Record... 
Lorillard Records 
Philip Morris Records 
RJ Reynolds Records 
Tobacco Institute Records 
Topical Collections
CA Tobacco Control Web Archives 
Cigarette Alternatives (PREPs) MSA ... 
Cigarette Chemistry MSA Collection 
Depositions and Trial Testimony (DA... 
E-Cigarette Marketing Web Archive 
Filter Ventilation & Design MSA Col... 
Health Warning Labels Collection 
Industry Ethics MSA Collection 
Marketing to Minorities, Military, ... 
Marketing to Women MSA Collection 
Marketing to Youth MSA Collection 
Mayo Clinic Secondhand Smoke MSA Co... 
Plain Packaging Collection 
Product Design MSA Collection 
Richard W. Pollay Cigarette Ads Col... 
Secondhand Smoke Collection 
Tobacco Industry Influence in Publi... 
Tobacco Products Liability Project ... 
Trinkets & Trash Marketing Collecti... 
Additional Tobacco Documents
British American Tobacco Records 
BAT Africa Collection 
Canadian Tobacco Industry Collectio... 
Congressman Bliley Philip Morris Co... 
Dutch Tobacco Industry Collection 
Gallaher Records 
Indian Tobacco Industry Collection 
Industry-Provided Depositions 
Japan Tobacco International Collect... 
Joe Camel Collection 
JUUL Labs Collection 
Liggett & Myers Records 
Minnesota Documents 
Ness Motley Law Firm Documents 
Oklahoma Privilege Downgrades Colle... 
Philip Morris International Collect... 
RICO Privilege Downgrades Collectio... 
RPCI Tobacco Institute and Council ... 
UCSF Brown & Williamson Collection 
US Tobacco Records on Smokeless Tob... 
About Truth Tobacco Industry Documents...

Truth Tobacco Industry Documents (formerly known as Legacy Tobacco Documents Library) was created in 2002 by the UCSF Library. It was built to house and provide permanent access to tobacco industry internal corporate documents produced during litigation between US States and the seven major tobacco industry organizations and other sources. These internal documents give a view into the workings of one of the largest and most influential industries in the United States.

Latest News...
  • January 2025 Updates – Tobacco, Opioid and Chemical Industry Documents
    Collection Updates Opioid Industry Documents Archive Teva and Allergan Documents OIDA staff added 226,880 documents to its newest collection, the Teva and Allergan Documents. This batch brings the collection to more than 1.3 million documents and includes sales training presentations, marketing communications, and more. The Teva and Allergan collection will encompass about 1.9 million documents …
  • Industry Documents Library – 2024 in Review
    Season’s Greetings from the UCSF Industry Documents Library! As 2024 comes to a close, we’d like to share our gratitude for all of you in the IDL community and your ongoing support and connection to our work. Here are some of the achievements you helped us reach in 2024: 22,459,816 documents now available through IDL! …
  • more...
Tobacco Collections

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